September 22, 2009

Take Note. Give Thanks.

Dear Justice Fergie,

Since today is World Gratitude Day, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to participate in The Gratitude Challenge.

Not only did you complete every step of The Challenge with style and grace, but your stories of heroism, hope and harmony have inspired countless readers to do the same.

We started this project as a internal movement focused on helping our colleagues to achieve one simple goal—to counter everyday stress and negativity with daily affirmations of gratitude. As The Gratitude Challenge grew to include bloggers outside of our company, however, we learned just how much gratitude can change a person's life.

From tornadoes to car accidents, fires and family drama, The Gratitude Challenge saw our bloggers through meaningful, life-changing events. We learned so much from this experience that we made a short video about how gratitude can revitalize your perspective. You can watch it below:

We hope this experience has meant as much to you as it has to us, and we hope that you and your readers will to continue to follow our progress as we invite the world to join the movement at

Best wishes,

Ed Han
Tiny Prints Founder & CEO
Life is Like a Bowl of Stone Soup

The Gratitude Challenge is now open to everyone! And since today is World Gratitude Day, the timing couldn't be better. The folks at Tiny Prints have made it super easy for you to participate. Just visit The Gratitude Challenge website and from there you can 1) download a pledge 2) download the Gratitude calendar 3) find them on Twitter, 4) send a “thank you” on Facebook and 5) add a widget to your blog. I know that several of you have said that you wish that you could take the challenge with me and now you can.

There's so much to be grateful for...

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