June 18, 2008

Summer Love

So we are over a month into our summer vacation. Oldest got out of school in mid-May. Nuts, I know. Daughter has been out since end of May and Youngest, early May.

Being home with all three all day five days a week has been, well, interesting. Fun, for sure, but as you SAHMs know, non-stop work. But it's very rewarding and I'm enjoying it. Many people can't understand how I can have a law degree and want to be at home with my kids instead of out there making money but it's really simple for me. They are my kids and if I have the option of being at home with them, I'll jump at the chance. I worked at the firms, I argued in court, negotiated settlements with opposing attorneys, blah, blah, blah. But I'm having a good time trying to wrestle the hot toy of the minute of out of my screaming two and three year old's hands. Try negotiating a deal between those two, almost impossible. Anyhow, I do have a job that is law related but I can't help enjoy the fact that I have the option of not teaching in the summer and taking THREE MONTHS OFF instead. Priceless.

So back to our fun filled summer--I'm trying to stick to a very loose schedule that ensures a nap at some point in the afternoon and meals when people are hungry. This is very good for me considering I used to stick by an hourly schedule that included time for every thing in the day. That's too much pressure. We go swimming a couple days a week, have a morning walk on most days, go to the library when it's too hot or too rainy, and play on the floor when we just want to stay in our 'jamas until lunch.

One thing I make sure we do is go to the gym. My gym has a great children's center and the kids enjoy going just as much as I enjoy my little break during the day. Some days I pack their lunch (which is very exciting for Daugther and Youngest), and the little crumb snatchers march their way to the play room holding their little lunch bags. It's so cute.

Don't let me fool you, not all days are sunny and rosy. As I mentioned, the younger two can fight like I don't know what and Oldest can complain about everything without any effort. On those days I feel like I need a stiff drink to make it until Hubby gets home.

Which brings me to the next thing I've been making sure I do, and that's spending some girl time with friends. Girl time normally involves a Martini of some sort at a time when our Hubbies are at home trying to put kids in the bath or warm up bottles. We drink our 'Tinis, enjoy a nice dinner, and can talk about anything from baby poop to sexy summer shoes.

So far I'm really enjoying my summer.


Don said...

But I'm having a good time trying to wrestle the hot toy of the minute of out of my screaming two and three year old's hands. Try negotiating a deal between those two, almost impossible.

Funny. Continue to enjoy you summer, and your family.

Justice Fergie said...

sounds postively lovely. you really are fortunate to be able to have that time with them for the summer. i'm very jealous!

happy summer!

Justice Ny said...

Sounds so relaxing and precious. I, too, am very jealous and one day, I too will grow up to be like you:) Enjoy it.

the mama bird diaries said...

Girl time is a must. Couldn't agree more.

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