December 20, 2006

Christmas presents

I know it's December 20......and I still don't have a present for DH. I've done all the shopping for everyone else -- in fact, I had a list and I had ideas of what to get for everyone, but never added DH to the list. I've bought him a beautiful sweater from his favorite store, but that's it and I don't have any other ideas and I need something reasonably priced. Any suggestions?????

8 comments: said...

Okay, I have no business blogging right now since I am knee deep in grading these final papers! I have a nanny who I am trying out for today and today is the only day I have her so I have to use this precious time to grade. Ha!

Anyhow, what about a sport coat? That's what I got my hubby. He wears them with nice jeans on the weekends, or slacks during the week. I got him one that can work either way and other one that he can wear when he goes out on the town. It is chocolate brown, almost eggplantish, and it's velvet. He's going to look very sexy in it and I can't wait to see him in it. He'll only be allowed to wear it when we go out together. That's the rule. Anyhow, Dillard's had a great sale, that's why I got him two.

Justice Fergie said...

Ok, don't laugh at me, but what exactly is a sport coat? Is it like a casual suit jacket? Items like that are lost on my hubby. During the week he wears jeans, sneakers and short sleeved shirts to work and on the weekends, he's all about athletic wear. Hey, I just gave myself an idea - maybe a new "weekend" outfit.

J. Ny - If I had to bet $1,000 I would say that you got DH's sweater from JosABank? They are having a big sale now and I know DH loves that store. He likes reading, right? How about the new Hill Harper book? You could even get a book on CD for when he's in the car. I have the hardest time with guy gifts. I try to think of their favorite hobby and buy something related to that.

You could also give him a coupon for a romantic night out with you (I can babysit) has cute coupons that you can download and fill in:

OR (drumroll please) you can give him a coupon for a delicious homecooked meal. He would totally love that since he is always giving you a hard time about not cooking!

Justice Fergie said...

You could even come up with a fly menu for your homecooked meal, type it out and print it on nice paper and give it to him wrapped in a box with the IOU...

Justice Ny said...

Ha.....ha....ha..... I'm killing myself with laughter right about now. You know I don't like cooking and I'm sure he'd think that it was a gag gift. Maybe, I'll give him a coupon to a romantic night with none other. He might like that. He might appreciate the food more, but I'd appreciate the other night more. It's a cute gesture and I'll think about it though. Although the romantic night will be great for us both, I think I may have to "sacrifice" and try to give HIM a gift that HE'D like - so, I might give your suggestion some serious thought.

J. Jones, great idea too. I'll look into the sportcoat idea. He's got a few but you could never have too many. I like that you're excited to see DH in his coat and think he'd look sexy. That's really sweet.

J. Fergie dropped by today and told me that DH's favorite store has a big sale, so maybe I'll go back there to check their sport coats and see what else they've got.

A male friend suggested a day at the spa ... but I really can't see DH going to the spa, even if it's a men's spa. I think it's a great idea, but I just can't see DH going, so that may be a waste of money.

So, off we go tomorrow to shop for DH. Wish me some luck.

Justice Ny said...

BTW...what have you ladies asked for. I haven't requested anything. I would like DH to simply get me an AMEX gift and send me shopping sans bambina (I'm mixing french and spanish - aren't I???).

An afternoon of shopping, and maybe a little spa in the mix would be great. I don't want him to choose anything for me though? His heart's in the right place, but not his fashion sense. Is that terrible? said...

A sports coat I guess is kind of the old term. Perhaps a fly a@@ blazer would be the more current trend. Think of Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, they all were them. Ha, ha, yes, hubby looks like Will but he doesn't try to look like Will, I promise. He just has good fashion sense thanks to me. Okay, I can't take credit but he does have good fashion sense.

J. Ny, I don't know how you can hint around to DH that you want to pick your gift without telling him he doesn't really know how to do it. Guys are very sensitive to that stuff. So I'm not sure what to tell you.

Mama Duck said...

Oh, I've been stuck on DH too, finally he told me about this CD he's wanted forever and I got him some Axe bodyspray stuff for his stocking....

Justice Ny said...

Just to update you ladies. I got nothing else for DH. But thanks for the suggestions. I went in search of a blazer and then I thought about a remote starter and dvd for his car....but I just didn't have the energy to stand in those super long lines with screaming, whining, crying baby. So, I hope he likes the sweater and gloves that I got for him.

Maybe I'll go to an after Christmas Day sale and get him something else.

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