June 22, 2009

If my schedule permitted...

I overbooked my weekend so much that I now need a day off and I don't see one in sight for at least the next three weeks. Should I schedule a day off from life, call in sick at my job, or just close my office door for a quick siesta. I'm just so exhausted this morning that 2 large cups of coffee isn't doing the trick today. Somebody, please send me some energy because I don't think I can make it. If only my schedule permitted some time for rest I would be good!

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Justice Fergie said...

as fate would have it, i'm off for at least 2 days! the timing couldn't be better since I, too, am beat from our gals night out :)

Not so Anonymous said...

My vote is for the siesta. You should start a petition that one be implemented in the workplace, lol.

I hope you made it through the day alright!

Joyce E. Davis said...

hope you made it through your day...sometimes you just have to give up and go home...the next day is always right around the corner and you can start again. I have been known to take a nap in my car. JD

Jennifer said...

Ooh, I am the last person you want to ask, because I will tell you to call in sick. Use that personal day!

Mocha Dad said...

I hope you got the energy you needed to make it through the day. If not, here is an extra dose to keep you going.

Justice Ny said...

I struggled through the rest of the day and promised myself never to overbook a weekend like that again.

But in all seriousness, I vote for a regular siesta - you know like tea time in Britain - we should have mandatory siestas where you cna re-charge your batteries because 8-9 hours at work IS a long time!

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